About Us

The Main-Begg Farmhouse, a not-for-profit organization, acquired ownership of the historic property in 2019.  The mission of the Main-Begg Farmhouse organization is to preserve and restore the Farmhouse property, to share its history with the Goleta Valley, and to provide a unique venue for community activities and educational programs.  The Farmhouse was designated Santa Barbara County Historic Landmark No. 52 in 2020.

5001 Hollister Ave., Santa Barbara, CA 93111
(Goleta Valley, Santa Barbara County)
(805) 455-3135 / info@main-beggfarmhouse.org

Our Mission

Photo of the front of the Main-Begg Farmhouse (North side of building)

The Main-Begg Farmhouse

Our mission as the Main-Begg Farmhouse seeks to inspire a deeper understanding of how the past informs the present by preserving and restoring its buildings and grounds, providing an intimate historic community gathering place, and offering programs that will educate and enrich all audiences. 

What We Do

    • Preserve, restore, and maintain the Main-Begg Farmhouse historic structures and landscape features adhering to the highest professional standards for the treatment of historic resources.
    • Provide a unique and welcoming meeting place for small groups embodying a diverse range of interests within our community, including not-for-profits, businesses, neighborhood, educational, and governmental organizations, families, and others.
    • Promote the values of historical knowledge and community-wide historic preservation in the Goleta Valley to inspire a sense of community identity as well as an understanding of the importance of history to the present time.
    • Sponsor or host public and private events, tours, exhibits, and other programs to support our mission and stimulate interest in the central roles played by immigrant families and agricultural development in the history of the Goleta Valley.
    • Encourage the participation of neighborhood and local volunteers by providing opportunities to contribute to the preservation, interpretation, and maintenance of the property’s historic structures and landscaped grounds.
Photo of the front of the Main-Begg Farmhouse

About the Farmhouse

The Main-Begg Farmhouse is a Santa Barbara County Historic Landmark built 1911 in the Goleta Valley, CA.

View Farmhouse History

Farmhouse History

The story of the Main-Begg Farmhouse in the Goleta Valley begins in 1900 with Robert and Jane Main.

How to Help

How to Help

There are many opportunities to help out at the Farmhouse as a Volunteer, or by making a donation.

Take a Tour of the Main-Begg Farmhouse

Take a Tour

Want to learn more?  Sign up to take a docent-led house and garden tour of the Main-Begg Farmhouse.